Monday, March 3, 2008

An authentic post-collegiate moment!

Here's an authentic post-collegiate post: I have been admitted to my #1 graduate school! Tonight, we had a mushroom risotto and I started baking a chocolate cake (got distracted before the icing stage). I don't remember any of it, except for the truly excellent 2006 Evesham Wood Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley. We're both going to be graduate students next year!!!!

(Later additions on the Pinot Noir) on Wednesday: Wow, it's not only excellent, but it lasts with minimal degeneration. It's a Burgundy-style Pinot, deep and well balanced and NOT insipid like so many overrated American Pinot Noirs. In general, our rule of thumb tends to be that any Pinot Noirs coming out of Willamette Valley tend to rule the roost, and this wine certainly lives up to that assessment.

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